Fantasy Infinity Group 飛映數位集團 Fantasy Infinity Group was founded by Joy ( YEN, WU-HSIUNG ) in 2013. Joy adheres to the idea that "let the imagination be unlimited, and exceed ourselves". He is leading the team of professional technicians. With more than one decade of internationl project participation experience, Fantasy Infinity has won the favor of companies from the United States and Japan because of our high quality production in VFX. We started to have interest in Augmented Reality ( AR ) in earlier year. We saw the stagnation of AR in the business market, therefore we started to make research on AR. Through different perspectives and VFX ability, we have developed a new method for AR application and apply it to education, table games, and character interaction. Replying on the experience of AR research and development, we began to pay attention to the development of Augmented Reality / Mixed Rreality glasses trend. In that time, the application of Mixed Reality ( MR ) was just in the very beginning which only applied to manufacturing, engineering, and healthcare. To our curiosity was that MR still not apply to entertainment and education. Therefore, as one of the contributor of M&E industry, we decide to give it a shot in making possibility of the breakthrough in MR development. After research on earlier MR software architecture, we found that there are quite lots for growth. We started to focus on 3 goals:make spatial positioning precisely, make MR image better quality, and make MR computing performance much better. According to the proof of our MR tech development, we can now apply MR in entertainment, education, even life. It's the future! With our growth, Fantasy Infinity Group started the new brand company, Visual Fun Co., Ltd. Focusing on AR and MR business, the mission of Visual Fun Co., Ltd. is to be the changer to make the future happen, and make interaction more fun. We are planning to make MR with AI, Cloud, Motion Sensse, to create international market which towrd to Japan and the United States. 飛映數位集團,是由領導人顏武雄Joy於2013年創立,秉持著「讓想像力無限,並不斷的超越自己」為理念,帶領一群專業的技術人員組成的團隊。具備超過十年以上的國際專案合作經驗,因為擅長高水準的特效畫面品質,於是獲得美國與日本合作對象的青睞,持續與國際產業專業人士交流,直到現在。 基於對AR擴增實境的興趣,加上看到市場上AR技術的停滯,因此開始投入AR的研究。透過以使用者認為的有趣角度,加上本身在影視特效的製作經驗,成功的研發世界首創AR卡牌組合偵測技術,為AR領域帶入了新的技術方法,可應用於教育學習、桌遊互動、角色形象互動,增加AR多元應用的可行性。 因為經歷AR研發的經驗,我們也跟著AR/MR硬體眼鏡的發展,投入MR軟體研發。當時,我們看到MR初期應用,大多是結合製造、工程、醫療,卻缺少了與娛樂及教育結合的可能性,而這方面也是最具挑戰的應用。身為國際上深耕傳媒娛樂技術產業一員的我們,決定放手嘗試,而在研究初期,我們發現了MR軟體技術其實有著很大的成長空間,假使突破將可以把MR應用推進到下一個時代! 於是,我們開始朝三個目標努力:讓MR空間定位更加準確、讓MR影像品質更好、讓MR運算效能更加順暢。根據我們目前的技術驗證,已經可以突破現有的MR硬體限制,創造MR技術得以有效與娛樂、教育、生活結合,而這正是人類想像的未來! 隨著飛映數位集團投入在AR與MR的突破,2023年我們看好前景,成立「互動細胞股份有限公司」,秉持著"創造未來娛樂生活的改變者"使命,期待讓人們透過MR技術,真正看到實現未來的路程。我們計畫將逐步運用MR混合實境技術,結合AI人工智慧、Cloud雲端運算、Motion Sense體感,以美國與日本為基地,打造國際新興市場。 The new brand for Augemented Reality and Mixed Reality:Visual Fun 專注於混合實境與擴增實境應用的新品牌:互動細胞 Visual Fun Co., Ltd. is a new brand of creating new forms, high quality for future life and entertainment. We break the limitation of current Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality application, and creating a new market for entertainment, education, and life. We are developing 5 new market: Augmented Reality (AR) x Education:Upgrade digital learning with fun interaction Mixed Reality (MR) x Entertainment:New immersive interactive experience Mixed Reality (MR) x Anime:Achieve the imagination for future Mixed Reality (MR) x Family:the helper for quality of living Mixed Reality (MR) x Sports:interactive MR training for national players 互動細胞股份有限公司Visual Fun Co., Ltd.,是創造新形態、高質感的未來娛樂生活互動品牌,打破目前市場對AR擴增實境與MR混合實境的限制,致力創造全新的國際市場應用指標,打造新型的XR娛樂文化生態圈! 我們將發展的五大新市場: AR x 教育:數位教育再升級 MR x 娛樂:全新的沉浸體驗 MR x 動漫:滿足對未來的想像力 MR x 家庭:居家陪伴好幫手 MR x 運動:國家選手的訓練資源 Visionary Mixed Reality Development 前瞻的混合實境技術發展 4 main key development of our MR 四大MR關鍵技術發展 1. IM(Interact Mapper):MR空間定位技術 2. DO(Data Optimize):MR數位優化技術 3. CS(Combo Synergy):AR融合技術 4. RL(Reality Link):同步連線技術 4 features of our MR 四大MR技術特色 1. 60 FPS game-level computing performance 60 FPS遊戲等級的運算效能 2. MR computing performance can be optimized to 5 times 3A級別的CG運算,可優化MR運算提升500%的效能 3. IM makes spatial anchor stability upgrade to 3 times 空間定位幫助精準的空間定錨,提升300%的穩定度 4. the real synchronize multi-machine connection 真正的即時同步,達到多機連線機制 Combined with 3 mature tech to create future market MR結合三項成熟技術,打造未來市場 1. with AI:make virtual character interactive close to "humanity" 搭配AI人工智慧:賦予虛擬角色擁有接近「人性」的互動機制 2. with Cloud:to make data integration and strengthen computing effectively 搭配Cloud雲端運算:雲端有效整合資料、強化運算 3. with Motion Sense:upgrade the experience with more actual sensory stimulation 搭配Motion Sense體感技術:幫助體感體驗升級,加深人們與虛擬角色互動過程的沉浸感,增加更多感官刺激,為體驗帶來深刻印象 About Founder 關於創辦人 Our founder, Joy (YEN, WU-HSIUNG) thinks when facing challenge, there's always the most efficient solution. With more than 20 years of experience in international cooperation, he believes that continuous evolution of ideas and communication skills is the first expression of professionalism. In the past decade, Joy has led the team from international production to the development of XR technology. In recent years, we have been continuing break through the horizon of the market. Our MR and AR application will enter the market of the United States and Japan. 顏武雄Joy (YEN, WU-HSIUNG),認為面對挑戰,總是有最高效率的方法可以突破!累積20年以上的國際合作經驗,認為不斷的進化想法與溝通能力,是專業的首要表現。 過去這十年,Joy帶領團隊從國際專案製作經驗,朝向頂尖XR技術研發應用,近年不斷突破市場眼界,創造的AR與MR技術標竿即將面向美國、日本市場。 About the Team 關於研發與執行團隊 The talents of our team are all from Taiwan. We adhere 4 ideas to gain international experience so that we have ability to create the future. We are interested in the novelty, something forward, high challenging thing. We are good at creating image by multiple technical solution. When you see our vision, your thinking will closer to the world. 我們的團隊人才皆來自台灣,秉持著四大理念累積國際實力,開創未來! 新奇的、前瞻的、高度技術挑戰的事情,絕對會是我們最感興趣的目標。我們具備多元化的技術方法,當你走入我們創造的畫面,你的思維將與世界更靠近。 BETTER QUALITY : There is no best but only "better". We always pay attention to break through ourselves. 沒有最好,只有更好。我們重視是否突破自己 OPEN MIND : With forward-looking vision to create new content 開放的視野,以「前瞻」的眼界玩出新花樣 TRUST : We achieve the goal which we make commitment 敢說得到,就一定做得到!我們只交出好作品 CURIOSITY : We always keep the spirit of curiosity! 保有好奇心的研究精神,因為CG的世界可是每天求新求變 聯絡飛映數位集團 聯絡互動細胞Visual Fun: 法律顧問聲明:茲由飛映數位集團(以下稱本集團)聘請曾伯軒律師(以下稱本律師)為法律顧問,倘若本集團之權利或法益受到侵害,本律師定當依法保障之,特此聲明。